2025Training and embargoed areas 2024-2025
Parking locations for training included on Google Maps
What | Where? | About |
Tomperi training(close to WRE/Viestiliiga area) Middle distance 6,3 km / 15 controls or Relay 6,6-6,9 km / 13-15 controls Map 1:10 000 / 2022 / 5 m / A4 Timo Joensuu and Janne Weckman Course setter Olli-Jussi Korpinen | Parking Google Maps Coordinates 62.738139, 27.992124 AddressPuutossalmentie 2858,71310 Kuopio | Training can be used as individual training or mass start with 4 intervals and forkings. |
Kortejoki (close to WRE/Viestiliiga area) Middle distance 5,0 km / 14 controls or 5,7 km /16 controls Map 1:10 000 / updated 2021 / 5 m / A4 Jussi Silvennoinen Course setter Marko Uotila | Parking Google Maps Coordinates 62.890680, 27.871490 AddressJokelantie 78, 71130 Kuopio | Two versions of middle distance training in the terrain which was used in competition 31.7.2021. |
Vartiala Long distance Map 1: 10 000 2023 / 5 m / A4 Vesa Tiihonen Course setter Jarmo Puttonen | Parking Google Maps Coordinates 62.930722, 28.012613 Adress Joensuuntie 1832, 71150 Kuopio | Long distance training made by WOC course setter. Note! Parking is on the other side of the Kuopio-Joensuu main road. Be careful while crossing the road. |
Rasinmäki Middle distance 5,9 km / 18 controls Map 1:10 000 2022 / 5 m / A4 Vesa Tiihonen updated (05062023) Course setter Thierry Gueorgiou. Modified by Sakari Hyvönen | Parking Google Maps Coordinates62.895405,27.425757 AddressPesäkiventie 9,71520 Kuopio | Track is based on Kuopion middle distance H21 competition 18.9.2022. |
Puijo (north) Relay 4,8 km / 14 controls Map 1:10 000/ 2022 / 5 m / A4 Timo Joensuu and Janne Weckman Course setter Sakari Hyvönen | Parking Google Maps Coordinates 62.932906, 27.657594 AddressPuijonsarven kouluKeski-kaari 44, 70420 Kuopio | Track can be used as – Relay – Mass start with forking – Middle distance training |
Rautaniemi Relay 4.7 km / 19 controls Map 1:7500 2019/2022 / 5 m / A4 / Vesa Tiihonen Course setter Antto-Iiro Suhonen | Parking Google Maps Coordinates62.821347, 27.732194 AddressRautolahdentie 95, 70840 Kuopio | Training can also be used as an individual middle distance training or mass start with minor forkings. |
Ylämäki Middle distance 4,9 km / 15 controls Map 1:10 000 / 2021 / 5 m / A4 / Vesa Tiihonen Course setter Timo Nissinen | Parking Google Maps Coordinates 62.878035, 27.477131 AddressPahapurontie,70800 Kuopio | Training can be used as an individual middle distance training. |
Vanuvuori Relay 5.2 km / 14 controls Map 1:7500 / 2021 / 5 m / A4 / Jussi Silvennoinen Course setter Sakari Hyvönen | Parking Google maps Coordinates62.800475, 27.648166 AddressKoirakaarre 6770870 Kuopio | Track can be used as – Relay – Mass start with forking – Middle distance training |
A code number at the control point is behind a plastic plate.

Only in Kuopio can you find the model terrain for the 2025 World Championships. Welcome!
Ordering Maps
Training opportunities in Kuopio region: | |
National teams During an orienteering camp organized by the national team. 8 € / printed map | Ocad files (or PDF) for national teams and clubs can be purchased free of charge for self-printing, but it is the responsibility of the teams to count and report back to the organizer the number of prints. Invoicing will be based on the number of prints used by athletes participating in specific training sessions. Ocad files are available for all the maps of Kuopion Suunnistajat during specified training camp. Duration of the training camp and estimation of map usage and the names of the athletes must be presented when requesting the map file. Please note that all the terrains might not be available all the time. We might have to limit trainings in certain areas if negative feedback comes from landowners for example. Maps are not available from embargoed areas. Ocad files can be allowed also to club training camps with the same terms as to national teams, if they are used for the same purpose at a high level orienteering. Maps of Kuopion Suunnistajat can be found from: |
Training package 2023 (Tomperi, Kortejoki, Vanuvuori, Puijo, Ylämäki, Rautaniemi, Vartiala, Rasinmäki). 12 € / printed map | Printed map with course markings. Control flags with codes in the forest. Available for all customers. Low resolution map images available on the training page. |
Training package 2025 with course setting (updated 14.2.2025)
Ordering Maps
Request Ocad- and pdf-maps by email from
With Credit / Debit card or invoice sent to your email.
MobilePay number (WOC2025/Kartat) 14936.
- All prices are subject to an additional 10 € service fee
- All outstanding payments must be settled before WOC.
Terms of use for Ocad-, Pdf-files, printed maps and terrains
All guidance on terrain use must be followed. For example, if parking place is set for certain terrain, it must be followed. When organizing own trainings, controls in the forest (flags or some other) must be marked with team’s marking. If tape or ribbons are used for marking the controls in the forest, they must also be collected away after the training. Avoid residential areas and houses, don’t put control close to properties. Don’t block roads when parking on trainings.
Ocad File
The Ocad file (or PDF) is national team and club specific and can be only used on stated training camp.
The buyer of the Ocad file is responsible for ensuring that the map file and any prints made from it are only used for their own team training.
The buyer of the Ocad file is responsible for not sharing the file outside or making it publicly available for download.
The buyer is obligated to record the users of prints made from the Ocad file for billing purposes during orienteering camp.
Failure to comply with these terms will result in a ban on using the Ocad file and prints made from it.
Making the map file publicly available or sharing the map outside the team: 5000 €.
Printed maps
Printed maps are for personal use.
The buyer of the printed map is responsible for using it solely for their own training. The buyer of the printed map is responsible for not copying it for others to use.
Printed maps can be collected at:
Kylpylä Hotelli Rauhalahti
Spa&Hotel Kunnonpaikka
Failure to comply with these terms will result in a ban on using the map material. By purchasing a printed map or file, you accept the terms of use.
Buy maps from WOC2025shop