Introducing WOC2025 map maker – Janne Weckman
Who are you? Janne Weckman, Vehkalahden Veikot. When did you start orienteering? The first time I went into the terrain with a map was probably when I was 5 years…
Who are you? Janne Weckman, Vehkalahden Veikot. When did you start orienteering? The first time I went into the terrain with a map was probably when I was 5 years…
Jukola 2014. Has it been such a long time since? Now it is possible to think back on your enchanting, fabulous experiences and maybe fix those mistakes you made. Jukola 2014…
Who are you? Timo Joensuu. I live in Jyväskylä, the father of a family of two children. When did you start orienteering? I started orienteering at the age of 9…
The map maker group for the 2025 WOC has been chosen. The map making will also include other high-level competitions preceding the WOC.
Kansainvälinen suunnistusliitto (IOF) myönsi suunnistuksen MM-kisat vuodeksi 2025 Suomeen ja Kuopioon. IOF:n hallitus myönsi ensimmäistä kertaa kahdet maastomatkojen MM-kisat samalla kertaa, sillä sekä Suomi että Sveitsi hakivat avoinna olleita vuoden…